LORD TWO-PIECE Rubber Mounts / Isolators
Compression Load Range: 40 - 3,450 lbs (178 - 15,352 N)
"Designed for applications involving severe dynamic forces..."
LORD Two-Piece Mounts are designed for applications involving severe dynamic forces in both the static load direction and the rebound direction. Travel in both directions is limited by rubber compression, which provides snubbing.
Features & Benefits
- Dynamically effective in all directions
- Prevent mechanical transmission of noise
- Accommodate misalignment and distortion
- High rebound capacity
- Easy to install with common tools
- Standard bolt torque assures proper assembly
- Sized for English and metric bolts
- Long, dependable service life
- Economical
These mounts support engines, cabs and accessory units. They accommodate frame racking and twisting while isolating vibration and absorbing shock.

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