Compression Load Range: 700 - 1,570 lbs (3,115 - 6,987 N)
"A more comfortable ride, superior product performance and reliable maintenance..."
As cab and engine mounts in on-and off-highway vehicles, surface-effect (SE) mounting systems meet the most demanding requirements for vibration isolation and noise attenuation while managing motion.
When conventional mounts are unable to satisfy vehicle requirements, SE mounts successfully control noise and vibration for a more comfortable ride, superior product performance and reliable maintenance.
Integrated Damping Principles
Integrating surface-effect damping principles with traditional rubber-bonded-to-metal technology, these mounts provide effective damping over large deflections and a wide range of frequencies. The systems are amplitude sensitive, responding to larger motions with greater damping forces for a wide range of rated loads. Easy in-the-field adjustable damping and decoupling capabilities reduce development/testing time and reduce the cost of systems optimization.
Simple in Construction

SE mounting systems are simple in construction, and the absence of pressure seals and fluids eliminates the possibility of leaks common with hydraulic mounts. In accelerated durability tests, these mounts have successfully passed more than 11 million cycles (the equivalent of 3 million kilometers or 2 million miles of Class 8 truck cab service) without significant wear.
Features & Benefits
Part #
Axial Static Load (lb.)
Axial Static Deflection (in)
Axial Static Stiffness (lb/in)
Radial Static Stiffness (lb/in)
SE-1100-1 | 700 | 0.30 in. | 1770 lbs./in. | 6850 lbs./in. |
SE-1100-4 | 1140 | 0.30 in. | 2860 lbs./in. | 11420 lbs./in. |
SE-1100-7 | 1570 | 0.30 in. | 6950 lbs./in. | 16000 lbs./in. |